
There are a number of treatments that we may recommend for adults with ADHD, either as a single solution or in combination with others. Every patient is treated as an individual and the treatment plan is unique to them.

At Attention To Health, we have all the required qualified clinicians to offer a variety of treatments and so you will not have to make appointments with other doctors to get what you need.

The three types of treatment you may be offered are:

  • Medication - we can describe the right medicines for you to help manage your symptoms, prepare a prescription to take to your pharmacist and do regular checks to ensure the drugs continually working for you.

  • Psychotherapy - it may be that you would benefit form therapy from our qualified psychologist, either to help manage your ADHD or other related conditions.

  • Management - we can provide regular reviews to check on the effectiveness of your treatment plan and adjust as necessary.

We have great pride in our work and the quality of service we provide. We measure our success by how our patients respond to our treatment plan and how they feel during the process.

A full list of appointments and pricing can be found on our services page.